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Margaret Mcgahey in Lansing, Michigan

Home Michigan Lansing

Margaret Mcgahey has Clinical Social Worker as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 1215 E Michigan Ave in Lansing, Michigan. There are 2 additional office locations for Margaret Mcgahey that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.

They're a part of the: Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association medical group which has around 514 members. You can call their office at 517-364-1000 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Wayne State University School Of Medicine and graduated in 1994 (around 30 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.

Margaret A Mcgahey Office Phone and Directions

Margaret Mcgahey
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
1215 E Michigan Ave
Lansing, Michigan 48912

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Phone: 517-364-1000

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Healthcare Info for Margaret Mcgahey

Medical School: Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 1994
The Primary Medical Specialty for Margaret Mcgahey is listed as: Clinical Social Worker
Approximate Years of Experience: 30
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 5395030142
NPI #: 1033140967
NPI Created On: 07/06/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 12/10/2008
Primary Taxonomy Code: 104100000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • Physicians Health Plan
  • McLaren Health Plan Community
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: English.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation

Additional Office Locations

1. Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
1210 W Saginaw St
Lansing, MI 48915
Group Members: 514

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2. Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
1210 W Saginaw St
Lansing, MI 48915
Fl 2
Group Members: 514

Phone: 517-364-1000

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Clinical Social Worker Professionals in Lansing

812 E Jolly Rd
Lansing, MI
Community Mental Health Authority Of Clinton Eaton Ingham Counties

2535 E Mount Hope Ave
Lansing, MI

119 Pere Marquette Dr
Lansing, MI

1801 E Saginaw St
Lansing, MI
Gps Guide To Personal Solutions

7201 W Saginaw Hwy
Lansing, MI

8523 Wintergreen St
Lansing, MI

Providers in Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association

1.Mohamed Abou-kassem

1210 W Saginaw St
Lansing Mi 48915-1927
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association

2.Mohamed Abou-kassem

1215 E Michigan Ave
Lansing Mi 48912-1811
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association

3.Aaron Abramovitz

1215 E Michigan Ave
Lansing Mi 48912-1811
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Critical Care (intensivists)

4.Hossam Abubakar

3563 S State Rd
Ionia Mi 48846-9416
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Internal Medicine

5.Hossam Abubakar

3565 S State Rd
Ionia Mi 48846-9416
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Internal Medicine

6.Hossam Abubakar

406 E Elm St
Carson City Mi 48811-9693
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Internal Medicine

View all 514 members of Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association medical group