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Linda Palumbo MD in Willowbrook, Illinois

Home Illinois Willowbrook

Linda Palumbo MD has Family Practice as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 40 75th St in Willowbrook, Illinois.

They're a part of the: Midwest Express Care 2 Inc medical group which has around 156 members. You can call their office at 630-581-5372 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College Of Med Of Case Wstn Rsv University and graduated in 1992 (around 32 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.

Linda A Palumbo MD Office Phone and Directions

Linda Palumbo MD
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
40 75th St
Willowbrook, Illinois 60527

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Phone: 630-581-5372

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Healthcare Info for Linda Palumbo MD

Medical School: Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College Of Med Of Case Wstn Rsv University
Graduation Year: 1992
The Primary Medical Specialty for Linda Palumbo MD is listed as: Family Practice
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 32
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 7012955362
NPI #: 1215994264
NPI Created On: 04/26/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 10/21/2019
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207R00000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: English.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample
  2. X-ray of chest, 2 views
  3. X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views
  4. X-ray of wrist, minimum of 3 views
  5. X-ray of knee, 3 views
  6. X-ray of foot, minimum of 3 views
  7. Urinalysis, manual test
  8. New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 30 minutes
  9. New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 45 minutes
  10. Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 10 minutes
  11. Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 15 minutes
  12. Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 25 minutes

Family Practice Professionals in Willowbrook

980 Plainfield Rd
Willowbrook, IL

980 Plainfield Rd
Willowbrook, IL
Urgent Medical Care Llc

40 75th St
Willowbrook, IL
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc

40 75th St
Willowbrook, IL
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc

535 Plainfield Rd
Willowbrook, IL

6733 Kingery Hwy
Willowbrook, IL
Dupage Medical Group Ltd

Providers in Midwest Express Care 2 Inc

1.Noor Abutaha

7786 S Cicero Ave
Burbank Il 60459-1583
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

2.Noor Abutaha

40 75th St
Willowbrook Il 60527-2325
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

3.Noor Abutaha

3258 W 111th St
Chicago Il 60655-2729
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

4.Estera Alexa

219 W Chicago Ave
Chicago Il 60654-5600
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

5.Estera Alexa

779 W Adams St
Chicago Il 60661-3509
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

6.Amy Altenberger

40 75th St
Willowbrook Il 60527-2325
Midwest Express Care 2 Inc
Nurse Practitioner

View all 156 members of Midwest Express Care 2 Inc medical group