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Kenneth Reese MD in Knoxville, Tennessee

Home Tennessee Knoxville

Kenneth Reese MD has Internal Medicine as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 1225 E Weisgarber Rd in Knoxville, Tennessee. There are 7 additional office locations for Kenneth Reese MD that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.

They're a part of the: Summit Medical Group, Pllc medical group which has around 471 members. You can call their office at 865-938-3627 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Medical College Of Georgia School Of Medicine and graduated in 1986 (around 38 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.

Kenneth C Reese MD Office Phone and Directions

Kenneth Reese MD
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
1225 E Weisgarber Rd
Knoxville, Tennessee 37849

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Phone: 865-938-3627

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Healthcare Info for Kenneth Reese MD

Medical School: Medical College Of Georgia School Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 1986
The Primary Medical Specialty for Kenneth Reese MD is listed as: Internal Medicine
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 38
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3971534025
NPI #: 1396780516
NPI Created On: 06/19/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 02/23/2012
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207R00000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Male

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • Humana
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: English.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. Aspiration and/or injection of large joint or joint capsule
  2. Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample
  3. Blood test, basic group of blood chemicals
  4. Blood test, comprehensive group of blood chemicals
  5. Blood test, lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides)
  6. Manual urinalysis test with examination using microscope
  7. Automated urinalysis test
  8. Urine microalbumin (protein) level
  9. Vitamin d-3 level
  10. Creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) level
  11. Creatinine level to test for kidney function or muscle injury
  12. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) level
  13. Blood glucose (sugar) level
  14. Hemoglobin a1c level
  15. Lipase (fat enzyme) level
  16. Magnesium level
  17. Psa (prostate specific antigen) measurement
  18. Thyroxine (thyroid chemical) measurement
  19. Blood test, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh)
  20. Uric acid level, blood

They took part in Medicare's Electronic Health Record Incentive Program which was designed to help move people over to electronic records and improve the systems that were already in place.
They took part in the Medicare Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).

Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.

Payments Total: $11

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 795803843

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE

Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR

Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31

Payments Total: $11

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 795803847

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE

Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR

Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31

Payments Total: $17

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 795803851

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE

Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR

Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31

Payments Total: $22

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Third party is a Charity:: No

Record ID:: 818591527

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: Neuroscience

Name of Drug #1: EMGALITY

Open Associated Drug #1: 0002-1436-11

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #2: Neuroscience

Name Of Drug #2:: REYVOW

Associated Drug #2: 0002-4491-08

Payments Total: $13

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Third party is a Charity:: No

Record ID:: 802260943

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Biological

Product Category #1: VACCINES

Name of Drug #1: SHINGRIX

Open Associated Drug #1: 58160-823-11

Drug or Biological: Biological

Product Category #2: VACCINES


Associated Drug #2: 58160-887-52

Payments Total: $17

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 811335585

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: Obesity

Name of Drug #1: Wegovy

Open Associated Drug #1: 0169-4525-14

Payments Total: $16

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 811335589

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: Diabetes

Name of Drug #1: RYBELSUS

Open Associated Drug #1: 0169-4303-13

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #2: Diabetes

Name Of Drug #2:: Ozempic

Associated Drug #2: 0169-4132-12

Payments Total: $21

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 811480549

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: Diabetes

Name of Drug #1: Ozempic

Open Associated Drug #1: 0169-4132-12

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #2: Diabetes

Name Of Drug #2:: RYBELSUS

Associated Drug #2: 0169-4303-13

Payments Total: $13

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 811626807

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: Diabetes

Name of Drug #1: Ozempic

Open Associated Drug #1: 0169-4132-12

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #2: Diabetes

Name Of Drug #2:: RYBELSUS

Associated Drug #2: 0169-4303-13

Payments Total: $18

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 820181637

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Drug

Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE

Name of Drug #1: TRINTELLIX

Open Associated Drug #1: 64764-720-09

Additional Office Locations

1. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
201 E Emory Rd
Powell, TN 37849
Group Members: 471

Phone: 865-938-3627

Enter a starting address:

2. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
641 Middle Creek Rd
Sevierville, TN 37862
Group Members: 471

Phone: 865-938-3627

Enter a starting address:

3. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
675 Middle Creek Rd
Sevierville, TN 37862
Group Members: 471

Phone: 865-938-3627

Enter a starting address:

4. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
103 Midlake Dr
Knoxville, TN 37918
Group Members: 471

Phone: 865-938-3627

Enter a starting address:

5. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
103 Midlake Dr Level
Knoxville, TN 37918
Group Members: 471

Phone: 865-938-3627

Enter a starting address:

6. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
7211 Wellington Dr
Knoxville, TN 37919
Group Members: 471

Enter a starting address:

7. Summit Medical Group, Pllc
9333 Park W Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37923
Group Members: 471

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Internal Medicine Professionals in Knoxville

1901 W Clinch Ave
Knoxville, TN
Statcare Inpatient Llc

1901 W Clinch Ave
Knoxville, TN
Statcare Inpatient Llc

1932 Alcoa Hwy
Knoxville, TN
University Health System, Inc.

6600 Nightingale Lane
Knoxville, TN
Covenant Medical Group Inc

1225 E Weisgarber Rd
Knoxville, TN
Summit Medical Group, Pllc

103 Midlake Dr
Knoxville, TN
Summit Medical Group, Pllc

Providers in Summit Medical Group, Pllc

1.Christopher Acker

280 Fort Sanders W Blvd
Knoxville Tn 37922-3352
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Family Practice

2.George Adams

1819 W Clinch Ave
Knoxville Tn 37916-2435
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Internal Medicine

3.Saeed Ahmed

7211 Wellington Dr
Knoxville Tn 37919-5968
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Diagnostic Radiology

4.Christopher Aikens Md

801 Oak Ridge Tpke
Oak Ridge Tn 37830-6916
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Diagnostic Radiology

5.Christopher Aikens Md

7545 Barnett Way
Powell Tn 37849-3565
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Diagnostic Radiology

6.Christopher Aikens Md

7545 Barnett Way
Powell Tn 37849-3565
Summit Medical Group, Pllc
Diagnostic Radiology

View all 471 members of Summit Medical Group, Pllc medical group