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Karen Peck MD in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Home Arkansas Jonesboro

Karen Peck MD has Emergency Medicine as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 1005 E Matthews Ave in Jonesboro, Arkansas. There are 4 additional office locations for Karen Peck MD that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.

They're a part of the: St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc medical group which has around 137 members. You can call their office at 870-935-1242 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended University Of Missouri, Kansas City, School Of Medicine and graduated in 1999 (around 25 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.

Karen Peck MD Office Phone and Directions

Karen Peck MD
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc
1005 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401

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Phone: 870-935-1242

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Healthcare Info for Karen Peck MD

Additional Medical Specialties Include:

Medical School: University Of Missouri, Kansas City, School Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 1999
The Primary Medical Specialty for Karen Peck MD is listed as: Emergency Medicine
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 25
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3476452244
NPI #: 1447275656
NPI Created On: 07/12/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 07/19/2023
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207PE0004X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • Ambetter
  • USAble Mutual Insurance Company
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: Taiwanese.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. X-ray of chest, 2 views
  2. Blood test, comprehensive group of blood chemicals
  3. Manual urinalysis test with examination using microscope
  4. Troponin (protein) analysis
  5. Complete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, platelets), automated test
  6. Detection test for influenza virus
  7. Strep test (streptococcus, group a)
  8. Routine ekg using at least 12 leads including interpretation and report
  9. Injection beneath the skin or into muscle for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention
  10. New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 45 minutes
  11. Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 15 minutes
  12. Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 25 minutes

Additional Office Locations

1. St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc
1007 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Group Members: 137

Phone: 870-935-1242

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2. St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc
1001 W Parker Rd
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Group Members: 137

Phone: 870-935-1242

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3. St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc
333 Red Wolf Blvd
Jonesboro, AR 72405
Group Members: 137

Phone: 870-935-1242

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4. St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc
1312 1st St
Kennett, MO 63857
Group Members: 137

Phone: 870-935-1242

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Emergency Medicine Professionals in Jonesboro

225 E Washington Ave
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Hospital Inc.

1005 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

1007 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

1001 W Parker Rd
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

333 Red Wolf Blvd
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

225 E Washington Ave
Jonesboro, AR
St Bernards Hospital Inc.

Providers in St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

1.Fauzia Akbary

800 S Church St
Jonesboro Ar 72401-4107
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

2.Eric Akin Md

800 S Church St
Jonesboro Ar 72401-4106
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

3.Eric Akin Md

1005 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro Ar 72401-4308
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

4.Eric Akin Md

1007 E Matthews Ave
Jonesboro Ar 72401-4308
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

5.Hania Al-shahrouri

300 Carson St
Jonesboro Ar 72401-3104
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

6.Mohammed Alhajji

300 Carson St
Jonesboro Ar 72401-3104
St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc

View all 137 members of St Bernards Physician Clinics Inc medical group